Film Projects
The 2016 Leadership Collective took a hands on, student centered approach to exploring our host cities. In Madurai, students worked with videographer Chris Witschy to produce short films on a location or cultural element that was interesting to them. Working in small groups of 3-4 and accompanied by a translator, students spent two days at the location observing, interviewing, and documenting the space. At the end, they produced and edited a short film on their observations.
Project with MGIS
Connecting Frames
‘Connecting Frames’ a comic book, is based on the collaborative work of school students from America and the Mahatma Gandhi International School (India) while exploring the philosophy of non-violence as practiced by Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.
Created in collaboration between 360Plus Leadership Collective Students and Mahatma Gandhi International School Students
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”mgis book (2)”]
The 360+ Leadership Collective is an independent collaboration between Voygr Inc. and 360+, both dedicated to promoting meaningful cross-cultural engagement through travel and education projects.
5 Frames Challenges
The 5-frame challenge was a preparatory exercise to basic film techniques and story boarding before students went into the field to start their main short film. 5-frame challenge asks students to tell a story using 5 clips of 8 seconds each.
Produced and Filmed by Dariela,Emma and Raven Swing