Indiaspora, powered by 360Plus, is proud to announce HeritageINDIA, a unique, immersive 3-week program for students of Indian descent to connect with their ancestral homeland. It is designed for students to experience India’s rich cultural history, participate in hands-on projects, engage in stimulating discussions, and create lifelong bonds with a cohort that will share in this once-in-a-lifetime experience.
HeritageINDIA will take place July 21 – August 10 with the exciting theme of India’s Riches: History, Culture, Diversity, & Democracy. Students will visit three areas of India that are geographically and culturally diverse, yet all very much represent India: New Delhi, Gujarat, and Kerala.
Indiaspora is now accepting applications for our 2019 cohort. Please find details below. For questions, please contact Gabrielle Trippe, our Philanthropy Initiatives Manager, at gabrielle@indiaspora.org.
Application Details
HeritageINDIA is open to high school students who will be between 15 to 18 years of age at the time of the trip and are of Indian descent. Preference will be given to those who have never had the opportunity to visit India.
Candidates will be chosen based on merit through our application process which includes short and long answer questions. The application deadline is March 15 and we will announce the candidates by April 15.
There are eight spots available that will be fully funded by Indiaspora. These are open to students of Indian descent from anywhere in the US or Canada. If this is you, apply here!
There are also eight spots partially funded by the ICC (India Community Center). These are open to students of Indian descent who are residents of the state of California. If this is you, apply here!