After preparing for a couple days before all the students arrived, the South Asian students presented on their cultures for the international students. You can read more here, and see a few student interviews here, beginning with Olga!






Emma OttumName: Emma Ottum

Hometown: I originally grew up in Encinitas, San Diego. I then moved to Los Gatos in the Bay Area when I was 12 years old. 

What is your favorite book?: I love to read and have read many enjoyable books. I would have to say that my favorite book out of all of them would be A Million Little Pieces by James Frey. The book is about a 23 year old-alcoholic and drug abuser and tells of his struggles through the 12 steps of rehab. Originally, I was reading this book as a true story and memoir, but sadly they found out later that the author made up a lot of the events. I would still advise reading it though. 

Give one random fact about you?: my dream when I was little was to become a race car driver and I love talking about cars. 

In class what kind character are you?: The one who always talks too much and will get to know everyone in the class

If you were a fruit, what would it be?: A banana- I’ll supply you with my energy to keep you going through the day.

What do you think will be surprising about India?: I think seeing the culture and the poverty in India will be surprising. I’ve never been anywhere this far away, and seeing the differences of how people live there lives compared to how we live ours will be very interesting, and possibly difficult to comprehend.

What has been difficult about preparing for India?: Actually realizing that I’ve been given the chance to travel to India with such an amazing group of students. I don’t think it will fully kick in until I’m in on the plane. 

How do you hope to be different after this trip to India?: I hope that I will be different in the way that my eyes will be finally be opened to the joys and struggles of what people go through living in India. You always hear about the poverty and overpopulation there, but can never full grasp how serious it is until you see it for yourself. I also hope that the culture will change me.

KyreName:  Kyre Smith

Hometown: originally born in San Diego, California. I moved around a lot and now my home town is Chicago Il

What is your favorite book?: my favorite book series is the demonata series by Darren Shan. It’s to hard to just choose one. Each book is connected through a character that is somehow connected to the main character from the previous book. The stories are not in order. Each story is about a demon of great power coming to the human world for different objects, some objective are as low as just feed off humans, and others can be playing a chess game with a families life at risk. It’s a really good read and I enjoy them.

Give one random fact about you?: I’m not exactly the most normal person you’ll meet, but I can be very quite at time.

In class what kind character are you?: I’m quite and off to myself most day, but on other day I can be talkative

If you were a fruit, what would it be?: I would be an orange just because once you get past my exterior you can see that I’m a pretty nice guy

What do you think will be surprising about India?: probably the trade market (if we get to see one) because I always wanted to see what I could trade for. Lol. Also the different kind of agriculture

What has been difficult about preparing for India?: obtaining the vaccination, but Mr.Abrams is helping with that.

How do you hope to be different after this trip to India?: I hope it helps me strengthen my story writing with my new experiences

FranciscoRamirezName: Francisco Ramirez

Hometown: Hayward, California

Favorite Book: Cherub by Robert Muchamore.  It is actually a book series and I love every single one.  They are about orphaned children who are recruited to be spies for their athletic and intellectual capabilities.  They make the best spies, because who suspects kids?

Give one random fact about yourself: I absolutely love pizza. Nothing in the world is better, and if that could be all that I could eat, it would!

In class what type of character are you: I love having fun, but I always finish my work first.  I work hard in order to play hard.

If you were a fruit what, would it be: If I was a fruit I would be a pitaya.  I would be that fruit only because it looks like a dragon made it with cool magical powers.

What do you think will be surprising about India: I think the most surprising part of India would be the vast number of people in such a small country.  There are 1.252 BILLION people on a country that is 1,269,345.07 sq. miles big!  It is going to be pretty crowded!

How do you hope to be different after this trip: I hope to be a lot more grateful with the things I have here at home, even the little things like being able to drink water from the tap without having to boil it.  Additionally, I hope that I can share the experiences that I will have with other people in order to inspire them to do similar things.