Tag Archive for: family


I often used to ask question what are friends? I used to answer myself: friends are those who are selfish, cheater, wants only entertainment, fun and want to bully to make down. I think this thought came in my mind because there are no friends in my community. I used to live alone in my […]

Life lessons from Zostel Mumbai and Naveen

Have you ever had that feeling where you are made to be grateful for the life you have, that moment where you start regretting the reason behind most of your complaints, that moment when you see actually how privileged you are? Well that was me two days back when I was in Zostel Mumbai. My […]

Journey to the Western Ghats

Yesterday at 9:30 in the morning we all 360Plus Leadership Collective family we all went for hiking at Western Ghats. We were very excited to explore new places. It’s was heavy raining yesterday. We went from Kautilya home of leadership with bus. We enjoyed a lots while traveling to western gates and when we finally […]

Journey to the Bhaja Caves

Although the viewing of the Bhaja Caves was the main activity, what really intrigued me was the journey to the caves rather than the caves themselves. On the bus ride to the site the group was finally able to get a glimpse of the real India! Able to see housing, local stores and markets, and […]