Tag Archive for: photography

A Refection on Photography

Gaining Knowledge and Experience in Ahmedabad

I spent 60% of my trip in Ahmedabad. We had six-hour classes each day for a week on various topics including inclusion, mental health, politics/caste system, Chhara community, LGBTQIA+ community, & Green Straw. While discussing these different type of discrimination in India, we talked about what we could do for our community focusing on these […]


I am writing this blog because I am missing Ahmedabad right now. I had collected more memories from Ahmedabad. But I am missing art gallery a lot because it was my first experience to show my art in public. I had described my photo below “When I look the world, the world is also looking […]

A Picture Tells a Thousand Words

“A picture tells a thousand words” for me today I came to witness the actual meaning of these words. I have never taken part in a photo exhibition and today it felt good to take part in one. I enjoyed explaining to people about my picture and explain my emotions towards the picture and the […]

The Galleria

On today’s journey in India the group was featured in a gallery. The subject their photography. It was amazing to see how everyone has their own style, their own vision. Although I find galleries boring and saddening; it brought a smile to my face to see their work. We all have been through some life […]

Gallery Walk

My group and I have been showing up to these sessions that teach us a lot about youth citizenship. One of the sessions is called mental health. I personally think mental health is very important to every human being on this earth . We should be knowing our health physically , mentally and emotionally . […]