Tag Archive for: photography
Gaining Knowledge and Experience in Ahmedabad
I spent 60% of my trip in Ahmedabad. We had six-hour classes each day for a week on various topics including inclusion, mental health, politics/caste system, Chhara community, LGBTQIA+ community, & Green Straw. While discussing these different type of discrimination in India, we talked about what we could do for our community focusing on these […]
I am writing this blog because I am missing Ahmedabad right now. I had collected more memories from Ahmedabad. But I am missing art gallery a lot because it was my first experience to show my art in public. I had described my photo below “When I look the world, the world is also looking […]
A Picture Tells a Thousand Words
“A picture tells a thousand words” for me today I came to witness the actual meaning of these words. I have never taken part in a photo exhibition and today it felt good to take part in one. I enjoyed explaining to people about my picture and explain my emotions towards the picture and the […]
The Galleria
On today’s journey in India the group was featured in a gallery. The subject their photography. It was amazing to see how everyone has their own style, their own vision. Although I find galleries boring and saddening; it brought a smile to my face to see their work. We all have been through some life […]
Gallery Walk
My group and I have been showing up to these sessions that teach us a lot about youth citizenship. One of the sessions is called mental health. I personally think mental health is very important to every human being on this earth . We should be knowing our health physically , mentally and emotionally . […]
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360Plus believes in learning through travel. We are group of emerging global leaders working to democratize global citizenship, and our projects focus on providing travel, technology, and education opportunities to youth who would otherwise not have access to experiential learning.
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